To fully capture this beautiful and challenging world it takes us all.
This means stepping back, digging deeper when hiring & advocating for equitable pay and opportunity. I acknowledge this historic and ongoing discrimination and the harm it causes individuals, communities, and our creative world.
I believe in building creative circles that advance Black, Brown and Indigenous storytelling, which center that talent, voice and leadership with support and celebration. I commit to putting people over production and building safe sets that are free of racism, transphobia, homophobia and misogyny.
Hiring Resources
Black in Film: Find Black crew members including directors and producers.
The LUUPE: diverse creators for brand content
Diverse Production Crew: Google list BIPOC-lead organizations and networks
Red Nation via Crewvie: RNCI Indigenous Film Crew Directory
Free the Bid: Women Directors, DPs, Colorists, Composers
Cinematographers XX: DPs
Bid Black: Costume & Production Design crew
Free the Work: hiring database
NALIP’s Directors list: Latinx directors list
BIPOC Photo Assistants Google list
Hire BIPOC: Canadian crew